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Elizabeth Robertson

No I don't go out to shop on Black Friday, live to far from town and Family will be back for more lunch today.


Yes I go out. I don't go to do any serious shopping. It seems like the really good deals are still on closer to Christmas anyways. But I did go out to buy printer ink-got a good deal with BOGO half off! Love me a bargain!

Sandy Gregg

I don't go shopping on Black Friday because I don't like crowds and waiting for a parking place. I did shop at a bread bakery and couldn't believe how crowded it was when I arrived. It was a bad as the mall when I arrived, but by the time I left, it was back to normal. How is it that everyone arrives at the same time?


Don't shop on Black Friday. I do the babysitting and let the shopping be done by my girls. Love to spend time with the grandkids every chance I can!

Jenn Connell

I do not go out to shop on Black Friday anymore but I did work retail on it this year. It was pretty mellow & I cashier at a crafts store! I did go one year when I was six months pregnant and never again! Way too crazy. I just spent mine working and crafting at home. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Dianna D.

I don't go out in the madness on Black Friday. I can't take the stress! We actually had our Thanksgiving dinner on Black Friday this year, and I also did some online shopping.

Great card! Thanks for the chance to win!

Gina S.

I didn't make it this year. It's something my daughter and i do every year. But the grandkids were running fevers so they needed to stay home for thanks giving. So i just stayed home and took a nap and caught up on some movies. The kids fevers broke late afternoon so she took her husband and mother in-law with her this year, it was their first time.

Janice West

No Black Friday adventures for me. Did it once and that was enough. I spent the day making "Home made with love" stuff on my embroidery machine for my family. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

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