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Janet haught

i have a fan on me at all times.

Kin San

I make home made popsicles and have them all the time.. :)

Kelly Allen

I drink a lot of water and wear really big floppy hats decorated w crafty stuff including flowers I made with my Slice.

Mo S

Fan is my best friend during summer.

Jo Ann

The only "reasonable" way... staying indoors in the air conditioned comfort of my work space and using my Slice machine!!


lots of time at the pool and the parks (trails!)

Mel H

Cold drinks...and some don't even have alcohol!


Cold water is what I drink to beat the heat.


spending time with my daughter slicing to make cool home décor while eating homemade slushies'

Charlene Burleigh

Lemonade, straw hats & swimming pools!

Pam Spradlin

We do have the energy savings on our thermostat from our electric company which keeps us from doing the wash, run the dishwasher, etc between 2 and 7pm. It saved us quite a bit of money last year. But we do stay inside more during the heat of the day. We walk the dogs early in the morning so we aren't overheating them either.

Mary Otto

Sundresses and iced coffee!

Lena Spalty

We have become semi nocturnal. Temps over 100 for weeks.

Linda Bragg

My craft space is in the basement where it stays cool so that is where I stay.

Karen Persing

It's really hot outside. I stay indoors to stay cool......I applaud the genius who invented air conditioning!

Bonnie O

Drinking lots of fluids (and making sure my fur kids are also) and staying inside in my craft room with all the fans running ;-) !

Jalayne Van Gorden

I stay in the air conditioning as much as possible to stay cool. The summer months are really rough with the heat.

Victoria Campbell

Ice lollies and doors/windows open! I love this weather! :)

Michelle S

In Texas, we stay inside as much as possible (but only if it's air conditioned) and drink lots of Texas Ice Tea!

Tracy Forsberg

Stay out of heat in the a/c and like to have fan on me.

Amanda Outland

How are you keeping cool during these warm summer months?

A/C, or a nice dip in the pool!

Liz R

Stay inside under the air conditioner and craft.

Anna K.

We hit the pool at our local gym as much as we can. The kids are much happier in the cool water!

Tammie Yoder

Stay inside with iced tea and catching up on projects.

Ann Younger

A fan and a dip in the pool, just not at the same time!!

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